SoM At A Glance
To cater to the managerial manpower requirements of the Energy and Infrastructure Sector, the Management School was first established as the Institute of Petroleum Management, Gandhinagar (IPMG) in 2006 by GERMI (Gujarat Energy Research and Management Institute), a trust and a society formed by GSPC (Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation), a Government of Gujarat undertaking. Subsequently in 2007, when GERMI established Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University (PDPU); IPMG became the constituent of PDEU and changed the name to School of Petroleum Management (SPM). In the year 2021, the university was renamed as Pandit Deendayal Energy University (PDEU) and subsequently the name of School of Petroleum Management was also changed to "School of Management (SoM)".
SoM has been successfully conducting MBA programme since its inception year 2006.
The MBA programme (approved by AICTE, Ministry of HRD, Government of India, New Delhi) is a two-year full-time residential programme at Pandit Deendayal Energy University (PDEU) under the School of Management (SoM), formerly known as School of Petroleum Management. SoM offers an MBA programme in:
SoM offers MBA programme in:
(a) Energy and Infrastructure Management
(b) General Management
With functional area specializations in:
- Financial Management
- Marketing Management
- Operations Management
- Human Resources Management
Each year is divided into three trimesters. The MBA programme includes eight weeks of compulsory summer training for the students.
SoM also offers an Executive MBA Programme (E-MBA) for working executives in hybrid mode, a PhD programme (full-time and part-time) and Management Development Programmes.

"To prepare management graduates for continuous learning and inspiring them to contribute to the growth of an increasingly knowledge and technology driven global businesses in general and energy & infrastructure sector in specific"