Dear conference participant,
The FINAL SUBMISSION DEADLINE for full papers is now DEC 27, 2019, FRIDAY. Those who have not submitted their full papers, may submit their full papers till this deadline. No papers will be accepted after this date, nor there will be any further extension. Upload your full paper to your CMT portal account as per suggested guidelines and in APA Style.
Most Important: We have opened window for conference registration process from DEC 15, 2019. You are requested to pay the conference registration fee via netbanking. Kindly take screenshot of your bank transaction message and sent the image file to Receipt will be issued after verification of online transaction details.
The Conference
We take pleasure to inform you that ‘7th Biennial International Conference on Energy and Infrastructure Management (ICEIM-2020)’ is being organized on February 27th-28th, 2020 at School of Management, formerly known as School of Petroleum Management, Pandit Deendayal Energy University, Gandhinagar. The theme of the conference is ‘Contemporary Issues and Challenges in Energy & Infrastructure Management’. We are inviting Research Papers/Working Papers/Articles/Case Studies from Academia, Industry Professionals, Research Scholars, and Students of Management/ Social Science in the domain of energy and infrastructure sector. We have identified the following sub-themes for the conference to help you submit your research output. Please feel free to inquire if you find your area not duly represented in the following list.
Conference Tracks
Track 1: | Business & Technology Management Challenges for Indian Energy & Infrastructure Sectors |
Track 2: | Marketing Management |
Track 3: | Project & Operations Management |
Track 4: | Accounting and Financial Management |
Track 5: | Human Resource Management and Social Development |
Important Dates
Deadline for Submission of Abstract | September 30, 2019 |
Review & Acceptance of Abstract | October 15, 2019 |
Deadline for Submission of Full Paper | November 30, 2019 |
Deadline for Early Bird Registration (20% Discount)* | January 10, 2020 |
Deadline for Regular Registration | February 15, 2020 |
All the submissions will be reviewed through a blind review process. After the blind review process, few papers would be selected for publication in the form of conference proceedings. Award-winning papers and selected refereed papers/case studies may be published in the Journal of Energy & Management on fulfilment of publication guidelines of the journal by respective authors. However, all the contributors whose abstracts have been accepted would be eligible for paper presentation in the conference on due registration.
For Abstract submission, Download Abstract Template from conference website. Submit your abstract referring to template provided by conference organizer. Interested participants are suggested to follow submission guidelines of ICEIM-2018 for their submissions. Portal related information will be updated soon.
In case of any query, feel free to contact us for any further information or assistance. Abstracts can also be sent to the following e-mail id.
Conference Organizing Committee
- Dr. Asit Acharya
- Dr. Lalit Khurana
- Dr. Satish Pandey
How to Submit Paper
Prepare the paper in MS Word format. Click on “Submit Your Paper” on the conference website or else visit
For Abstract submission, download abstract template from conference website. Submit your abstract referring to template provided by conference organizer.
For Full Paper submission, kindly refer to manuscript submission guidelines and/or samples available on the conference website.
The abstract/paper submission process is described as under:
- Register yourself by clicking on the “registration” tab.
- Create new account and fill in personal information.
- After you have registered for the conference. Use the login credentials to log in to the submission portal.
- After you have logged in, click on “Create New Submission” tab to submit your abstract or research manuscript.
- Fill in the details related to research paper i.e. title and short abstract of 250 words.
- Select subject area of your “research paper” and upload the document in MS-Word format. Press Submit Button, once done uploading.
Mr. Suresh Manglani
Chief Executive Officer of Adani Gas Limited (AGL)
Suresh P Manglani is the Chief Executive Officer of Adani Gas Limited (AGL), a listed company on both NSE and BSE. He is also a non executive Director on the Board of Indian Oil Adani Gas Private Limited (IOAGPL), a 50:50 JV between Adani Gas and IOCL and Director in Total Adani Fuel Marketing Private Limited, a 50:50 JV between Adani and Total. He is presently the Chairman of National Council on Hydrocarbon and Petrochemical of ASSOCHAM. Suresh is a seasoned professional with diversified experience in Oil & Gas Industry of over 30 years which includes ~19 years of experience in British Gas and BP Plc JVs in India in the area of Midstream and Downstream businesses. Prior to joining AGL, Suresh was with Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) as Sr. Vice President and CFO for Refinery & Marketing Division (Retail Petroleum Business). He worked in RIL for over 10 years in the areas of City Gas Distribution, Gas Marketing, RLNG Business (in RIL-BP JV) and Petroleum Retail businesses. Prior to RIL, Suresh had spent over 13 years in Mahanagar Gas Limited (MGL) –A JV of GAIL and British Gas (now Shell). He was instrumental in conceptualisation, negotiation, formation of MGL and developing MGL as the best governed robust profit-making utility household name in Mumbai/India. With industry best practices across all areas of CGD business. In MGL, Suresh was member of strategic group responsible for day to day running of the company. Prior to MGL, Suresh was with GAIL for around 5 years and prior to that he was with Kelvinator (Now Whirlpool India). Suresh is a well-known CGD/gas business professional in India and has all round CGD, Gas Business and Petro Retail business experience. He has been speaking on various topics covering all CGD business aspects, RLNG/commercial and regulations etc. in the national and international forums.
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Dr. Arabinda Tripathy
Founder Director-institute of Petrolium Management(now SoM)
Institution Building in Higher Education
India has been the cradle of civilization and its early contributions to Science, Mathematics, Astronomy, Economics, Political Science and Governance have been legendary. There are some educational institutions which stand out as islands of excellence in an ocean of mediocrity. Even though there is no unanimity on the notion of excellence in higher education, the moot question is: why do some institutions succeed and sustain their excellence, while others rapidly approach institutional menopause and then enter a stage of decline and oblivion? The concept of institution building emerged historically in the 1950s and 1960s when the emphasis on international social development began to focus on technical assistance. SoM, PDEU will be welcoming home, Dr. Arabinda Tripathy, Founder Director (Institute of Petroleum Management now School of Management, formerly known as School of Petroleum Management) on the topic "Institution-Building in Higher Education".
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Mr. Shailesh Tiwari
Chief General Manager Indian Oil Corp.Ltd
Organizational transformation in IOCL on Talent Management Practices
To survive in modern times, a company must have an organizational structure that accepts change as its basic premise, lets tribal customs thrive, and fosters a power that is derived from respect, not rules. In other words, the successful companies will be the ones that put quality of life first. Do this and the rest - quality of product, productivity of workers, profits for all - will follow. School of Management, formerly known as School of Petroleum Management, PDEU is delighted to host Mr. Shailesh Tiwari, Chief General Manager (HR), Indian Oil Corporation Limited as one of the distinguished speaker of 7th Biennial International Conference on Energy and Infrastructure Management to share his valuable experience and throw some light on "Organizational transformation in IOCL on Talent Management Practices".
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Dr.Mohan Lal Agarwal
NTPC School of Buisiness, NOIDA
Policy Reforms to Achieve Energy Transformation in India
With a population of 1.4 billion & one of the fastest growing economy, India will be vital for the future of global energy markets. Led by our Prime Minister’s vision of affordable, secure and cleaner energy, Government of India has laid out ambitious vision with a focus on energy system transformation & brought in number of policy reforms to provide sustainable energy to all its citizens. SoM-PDEU in its International Conference on Energy & Infrastructure Management (ICEIM)-2020 will be hosting Dr. Mohan Lal Agarwal from NTPC School of Business as a distinguished speaker who will be providing us inputs on the topic – “Policy reforms to achieve Energy Transformation in India”. Dr. Agarwal is the President of Gulf Marketing Association, Dubai and has done case researches in Marketing, Innovations, Service Marketing and Customer Relationship Management. With his vast experience in the sector, he’ll will be sharing his insights on significant progress in Sustainable development.
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Mr. Kalyan Mukherjee
DGM, Bharat Petrolium Corporation Ltd.
Energy Transition Trends in the 2020s
Energy transition is a pathway towards transformation of the global energy sector from fossil fuel based to zero carbon scenario. In today's world energy intensity is no longer the only measure for development of economy and creating efficient and sustainable energy systems is the need of the hour. SoM PDEU is glad to host Mr Kalyan Mukherjee-Dy General Manager ( corporate strategy) BPCL as one of the prominent speakers for International Conference on Energy and Infrastructure Management (ICEIM) 2020. With his rich experience in managing assests, business development, legal compliance and managing information systems Mr Mukherjee will be enlightening us about Energy Transition- trends in the 2020's and the changes that are required at the various stages of the energy value chain to achieve the goal of energy transition
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Mr. Ashok Chaudhury
Vice President - Buisiness Developement at Ankur Scientific Energy Technologies Pvt.Ltd
Innovation in Biomass / Waste Gasification Solutions for generation of Energy & Biofuels
Biomass gasification is a unique process that transforms a carbon-based material, such as Municipal Solid waste or biomass, into other forms of energy without actually burning it. Gasification can help the world both manage its wastes and produce the energy and products needed to foster economic growth. SoM PDEU, will be hosting Mr. Ashok Chaudhari , Vice President and Business Development Expert at Ankur Scientific Energy Technologies Pvt. Limited, Vadodara, India who will be presenting more intricate details about the same. Mr. Chaudhari's topic is "Innovation in Biomass/Waste Gasification Solutions for generation of Energy & Biofuels".
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Dr. Prafulla B. Sarolkar
Dy. Director General(Retd.)
Geological Survey of india
Geothermal Resources : Energy Source for Ladakh
It is not easy to generate energy in continental plates like Ladakh. But, it is a land which is potentially strong in terms of source for Geothermal Energy from river water & hot springs. SoM, PDEU is glad to host Mr. Prafulla B. Sarolkar Dy. Director General (Retd.), Geological Survey of India as one of the prominent speakers for International Conference on Energy & Infrastructure Management (ICEIM) 2020. He is a consultant in Geology & Geothermal Investigation for GSI. In his session he will be sharing his insights on the topic: "Geothermal Resources: Energy sources for Ladakh".
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Dr.R.K Mishra
Director, Institute of Public Enterprises
Energy Diplomacy : How & Why ?
SoM, PDEU has got the privilege to constitute a better understanding about the practices and norms by which political institutions and large energy companies cooperate to promote energy trade. We are honoured to welcome our delegate Dr. R K Mishra, Director, Senior Professor and ONGC Subir Raha Chair Professor at IPE and a graduate of International Management Programme, Milan, Italy for ICEIM-2020. With several feathers in his hat as an educationist, consultant, researcher, administrator, and a leader par excellence, he will impart the knowledge further on the topic "Energy Diplomacy : How & Why?"
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Mr. Prafulla Pathak
President Solar Energy Society of India
Solar Energy Sector in India: Challenges and Opportunities ahead
India is endowed with tremendous potential to produce solar energy. Given the rising energy needs, as a nation responsible towards climate change concerns, India has set a target to achieve 100 GW power capacity through grid-connected solar energy, out of which 40 GW is estimated to come through rooftop solar installations by 2022. Going forward, strengthening the opportunities and overcoming challenges will bolster investor confidence and streamline the path to achieving the 2022 target of 40 GW. Mr. Prafulla Pathak, President of Solar Energy Society of India(SESI) is one of the prominent speakers for the 7th Biennial International Conference on Energy and Infrastructure Management (ICEIM-2020). He will be presenting on the topic "Solar Energy Sector in India: Challenges and Opportunities ahead".
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