IEE Japan – PDPU Workshop

IEE Japan –PDPU Workshop on ‘Promoting Energy Savings in
India’s Transportation Sector’ 28th January 2015,
at PDPU, Gandhinagar-Gujarat
In his opening remarks, Mr. Akihiro Kuroki Managing Director, Charge of Global Environment & Sustainable Development Unit, IEEJ, Tokyo introduced IEEJ and its activities. Overview of the Project was provided by Dr. Tohru Shimizu, Researcher, Climate Change Policy Research Group, Global Environment and Sustainable Development Unit, IEEJ, Tokyo.
Session 1 ‘Analysis of Fuel Demand in India’s Transport Sector’ dealt with the study conducted by PDPU including Concept Framing & Market Survey by the PDPU research team jointly led by Dr. Pramod Paliwal, Professor & Dean, School of Management, formerly known as School of Petroleum Management PDEU Gandhinagar and Dr. Hemant Trivedi, Professor & Director, School of Management, formerly known as School of Petroleum Management PDEU Gandhinagar.
Mr. Sarbojit Pal, Associate Fellow, TERI, New Delhi was the next speaker in the session who spoke on ‘Projection of Future Fuel Demand of Transport Sector’.
First presentation of Session 2 , The Transportation Sector Stakeholders’ Perspective was on ’ Diesel as Transportation Fuel in Contemporary Scenario’ by Mr. Arvind Govil Senior Manager-Retail, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (Government of India).
The second speaker of this session was Mr. Mahesh C. Gupta, Chief Zonal Manager, Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) {Government of India}, who made a presentation on ‘Indian Oil and its initiatives in Petroleum Conservation’.
The Session 2 ended with ‘The Users’ Perspective’ provided by Mr. Shrinivas Desai, Secretary, Western India Automobile Association (WIAA). Mr. Desai a veteran of Indian automobile industry, talked about the significant role played by WIAA for the last so many decades in the area of not only safe driving but also drivers’ training on fuel conservation.
Session 3 of the workshop was on the Role of Public Policy towards Indian automotive sector issues in fuel conservation. 1st speaker of the session was Mr. Sumant Kumar, Director (Transport) Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA), New Delhi {A Government of India organization under Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas).
The final presentation of Session 3 was made by Mr. Saurabh Diddi, Economist-Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) Government of India; New Delhi on ‘Fuel Efficiency Standards’.
After the successful completion of abovementioned 3 sessions, the final interactive session with the delegates was conducted, that witnessed Mr. Shumpei Watanabe, Researcher, IEEJ sharing the broad prospective recommendations of the IEEJ-PDPU study and sought the ideas of panelists and delegates on these.
The workshop ended with the closing remarks by Dr. Hemant Trivedi.