Meet some of our Professors @ YouTube

Our honourable faculty, Dr Pramod Paliwal and Dr Sudhir Yadav authored a book titled "NATURAL GAS TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION BUSINESS" which elaborates the business principles of the oil and gas sector. The natural gas business consists of two major aspects; sourcing and transportation, and distribution has been a growing area of interest to industry, government and academia. With an emphasis on promoting natural gas sector, there is an increase in need of a well documented book that deals with the business issues, particularly the transportation and distribution of this sector, specifically aimed at petroleum engineers and professionals. This book fills this gap to provide structured material that deals with managerial and regulatory aspects with an applied technical perspective wherever needed.
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Everything in life is writable, if one has the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. Our honourable faculty, Dr. Tanushri Banerjee authored a book with Dr. Arindam Banerjee titled “Business Analytics: Text and Cases” published by Sage Publications.
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Dr. Pramod Paliwal, Dean @ School of Management (SoM), formerly known as School of Petroleum Management Pandit Deendayal Energy University (PDEU) shares his perspective about the B-School, courses, pedagogy, industry-institute interface, placements and current & prospective students.
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Dr. Sudhir Yadav, Associate Professor –Operations Management & Chairman, Board of Studies, MBA (E&I) talks about the cutting edge courses in Energy & Infrastructure Sector Management offered by School of Management, formerly known as School of Petroleum Management.
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Dr. Tanushri Banerjee discusses the salient aspects of MBA (General Management) Programme @ SoM, PDEU. This programme has been a recent addition to the academic programmes at SoM and is greatly benefited by the synergies offered by already existing programmes. MBA (General Management) brings a new set of perspectives to the teaching-learning processes at SoM and also adds to the diversity of SoM academic programmes.
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